
Here is a list of various interesting projects, that I want to share โ€“ programs or documents.
See the Czech page for more

  • Ultimate Unit Converter ๐Ÿ› 
    Productivity tool for science & engineering โ€“ you can find a lot of unit converters on the internet, but I've always wished for an option to convert complicated units (units composed as a product of more units with different powers, e.g. m6ยทPa/mol2), so I created this converter, which can convert any unit to any other, break them down to basic SI, and perform simple calculations as well.
    Also includes up-to-date currency exchange rates.
    Available in English and Czech language.
  • Chartizard, a chart wizard (last version 11-03-2023)
    xlam addon for Excel which provides extra functionality to automate working with charts.
    ๐Ÿ’ก Do you also find it a bit tedious to edit ten charts by clicking through tabs and windows in every one of them? Well, Chartizard does that for you โ€“ you can manage multiple charts at once by writing functions, which you can copy around and execute all at once. This way you can dynamically assign data series, set axis bounds, titles and much more. Contains interactive tutorial.
    If you don't have rights to install the addon on your computer, you can use the "portable" xlsm version.
  • Cheming cheatsheet ๐ŸŽ“
    Cheatsheet with essential chemical engineering formulae for practical applications.
  • FCh cheatsheet ๐ŸŽ“
    Cheatsheet with essential physical chemistry (thermodynamics) formulae incl. how to derive them.